

27 helmikuuta

I stopped last weekend after a long period of running around doing chores and actually noticed how much there's going on in my life at this moment. I just occasionally wonder why I keep running out of time and why I can't get things done. Well, reality is that I get plenty of things done, but there's also plenty of things that I don't. At this moment, it's impossible to do everything. For some reason, I keep forgetting that all the time. :D

I know there's plenty of you, who are the same way as I am in this matter. So I say to you fellow busy bees, let yourself have a little moment between all the hurry to appreciate all the things you have accomplished so far. :)


Tekstiilikuosien suunnittelua

23 helmikuuta

Kuosien suunnittelu kankaisiin on ollut minulla sellainen pieni ( t a i  s i i s  s u u r i ) salainen unelma koko aikuisikäni ajan. Maailma on pullollaan kauniita kankaita ja uusia syntyy joka päivä lisää, mihinkäs rakoseen minä saisin omani kaupattua? Olen vain tämmöinen pikkuruinen kaarnalaiva tekstiilimaailman merillä. :) Jotkut ovat hurjan rohkeita ja aloittavat omia yrityksiä myydäkseen luomuksiaan, toiset otetaan kyytiläiseksi isoihin laivoihin ja mielestäni hekin ovat rohkeita. Itse tunnen olevani hyvin vähän rohkea suurimman osan ajasta, mutta siitä huolimatta jokin minussa tuntuu pitävän visusti kiinni tuosta haaveesta!


Little scenes

20 helmikuuta

Again I found myself bend over and photographing the snowy ground instead of taking pictures of landscapes. :D

But there's so many pretty little things on the ground...

...and the sun is painting shadows to the snow banks. :)



15 helmikuuta

Coffee is served! What next?

Raksila. Birches and the houses... so lovely. :)


Birthplace of my inspiration

09 helmikuuta

I started drawing a picture that I came across in this Facebook group called Wanha Raahe. People share old photos of Raahe and there's some real diamonds in there. Making this little picture has been really relaxing for me, it's so much harder to trace little beautiful nyances of life and create something completely new out of them, than to just simply copy!

Raahe is my birthplace and I lived there for 18 years. It's not a popular place, actually it's been voted to be the worst town in Finland. It's quiet and there is not much anything in there... but still there's something in that place. In Raahe, there is some kind of echo from the past that you can feel, if you pay attention. It's beautiful and melancholic and I always notice i'm trying to interpret that echo in my drawings. No matter if I'm drawing a cat, or a flower or a person, I always choose the subject and the form, where I can feel that same echo, that I feel in my birthplace.

Now I'm starting to have some serious thinky pain out of these thoughts, so here's a song for you, where I sense that echo what I'm talking about, and I apologize my rambling thoughts, I find it quite hard to turn my thoughts into words. That's why I usually draw and not write. :D

Instagram @littleuksakka